Found a ghost net? Please report it and provide a position of the sighting with a description of the net, along with any photos. →

Global Mission
Actively promoting environmental awareness and marine conservation through sea floor and coastline clean-ups.

Welcome to
Ghost Diving New Zealand
Together, we can make a positive impact on the future of our marine environment
‘Ghost Fishing’ is what fishing gear does when it has been lost, dumped or abandoned and continues to catch and needlessly kill marine life. Lost fishing gear, or ‘ghost gear’ are among the greatest killers in our oceans and increasingly we are seeing discarded man-made trash, particularly plastics, having being equally harmful to our marine environment.
News & Events

Galaxy for the Planet outlines Samsung’s commitment to acting more sustainably across its mobile product lifecycles and business operations
Want to Help
Ghost Diving NZ (GDNZ) is the New Zealand branch of an international organisation who collaborate worldwide with various local groups of technical and salvage divers to remove lost fishing gear.
GDNZ have embraced this concept and diversified it by also removing rubbish and debris, fishing gear, abandoned fishing nets and various other dumped items we find from the local environment.
Check our website and follow us on socials to keep informed of events, coastline clean-ups, access discounted training sessions and support our efforts to make our wonderful country even more beautiful.